Serwer terminali Winflector - alternatywa dla aplikacji Zdalny Pulpit, Citrix XenApp



We have just released a new version of the Winflector package. The server has been optimized for performance in large implementations. The list of fixes and new functions is available here:

The software can be downloaded from the page: Download

The release date is October 20, 2022, so users with an update subscription valid at least until October 2022 can upgrade their servers for free.

Like the previous version, this one also requires a 20-character activation key.. The new version can also be activated with old 16-character keys by padding them with zeros up to 20 characters long. However, the new keys will not work with earlier software versions. If you need to activate the older version with a long key, please contact us.

NOTE! This version requires re-activation when upgrading from version or earlier.

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