Serwer terminali Winflector - alternatywa dla aplikacji Zdalny Pulpit, Citrix XenApp

Windows 10 April Update Winflector patch

After installing Windows 10 April Update (1803) you may encounter problems with some applications run via Winflector server. To avoid this we prepared patches for all Winflector server released in 2017 and 2018.


How to install?

  • Download a file appropriate for your Winflector server version by selecting from the list below.
  • Ensure that the VERSION of the downloaded patch file ( matches exactly your Winflector server version (shown on it's title bar).
  • Stop running Winflector server and all applications (or just restart the machine).
  • Uncompress '' to any temporary folder.
  • Replace existing 'cnetlib.dll' and 'cnetlib64.dll' files in '%wfroot%\server' folder (usually 'c:\winflector\server')
    with both uncompressed files.
  • Launch your Winflector server again.


List of patch files:


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