I'm trying to run an application through Winflector using Local Windows authentication, it starts a console application as part of a functionality.
Basically, the main app creates a hidden console application process (the user doesn't see the console window) that runs in a job, and communicates with it though named pipes.
The console app writes a pipe and the main app reads from it to then show data to the user.
I have a regular local user and an administrator user account in the server where the main app is installed (Win 2008 R2).
The main app works Ok under both local users, but when I try Winflector from another PC with this app using Local Windows authentication I have "Access is denied" error everytime the console app needs to be launched.
I mean, the main app is started Ok but when it needs to start the console app the error occurs.
Then I switched to use Winflector authentication and created a user (with the default settings) to try. To my surprise, the main app was able to launch the console app in this case, but I noticed that the console app was showing its window to the user when it shouldn't.
I also noticed in this case that the main app executed under the context of the local administrator, the same account I tried to use before without luck with Local Windows authentication. So that, I don't understand what is going on.
I wanted to ask you if there is a limitation for published applications to launch a console application when using Local Windows authentication.
Do I need to set special permissions to the local accounts?
Any help will be appreciated.