Serwer terminali Winflector - alternatywa dla aplikacji Zdalny Pulpit, Citrix XenApp

Forum > Questions, suggestions and feature requests > Running Access 2010 application (runtime) not working in browser

Autor: greavette
Data: 2015-10-13 20:07:03


I've successfully tested running my MS Access application on my Windows 7 virtual machine.  I've created a .bat file that successfully starts the MS Access Application.  All files are local to the windows 7 VM.  I've copied the databases into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\ACCWIZ" to ensure I don't have any security errors or warnings.  


So I don't have MS Access installed.  But I have as part of this application installed the 2010 Runtime files.  Like I've said above, no errors when I run it on my VM using the .bat file.


So in Winflector I've added this MS Access Application and I'm using the .bat file.  When I open the application using the winflector fat client it works without issue.  But when I open the application in the winflector browser I get a blue screen so it looks like its loading then it goes away and I'm back to the list of applications?


Where is the log file in winflector so I can see what the problem is?  Is there any assitance/tips you can provide with regards to running MS Access Runtime applications in winflector?


Thank you.


Autor: Bozena (staff)
Data: 2015-10-14 11:58:33

Batch files are not supported in HTML5 client. Please set all application parameters on the server (like on the attached screenshot) - it should work via browser work in such configuration.

Autor: greavette
Data: 2015-10-14 15:41:15

Thanks very much for the reply.  


I've added the instructions as suggested and was then presented with an error that I needed to enable wmtool in the preferences.  I did this in the preferences which seemed to force the use of a password to get into preferences now?  I chose local user when I enabled wmtool.exe.  I saved my changes and got out of preferences/options. 


Now when I try to go back into preferences on the server it asks for a login/password.  I'm using the account I setup when I installed winflector and it says wrong password?  


Is there a way to reset the password or turn off wmtool?  


Thank you.

Autor: Bozena (staff)
Data: 2015-10-15 09:21:30

Please run the server with /NOPWD option (wfserver.exe /NOPWD) and you will be able to run wmtool without password.


Autor: greavette
Data: 2015-10-15 17:17:02



That instruction has got me past the error of being able to modify preferences again, thank you for your assistance!


I've been successful in setting up my MSAccess Application and running it through winflector.


Thanks again for your assitance.




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