Serwer terminali Winflector - alternatywa dla aplikacji Zdalny Pulpit, Citrix XenApp

Forum > Questions, suggestions and feature requests > Microsoft Office 2010

Autor: John
Data: 2011-10-17 01:52:43


first of all, thank you for a great work you're doing with this product. I've been searching for such a program quite a while, but everything avaliable is either to expensive or to complicated for my intended usage.

I'm running ubuntu desktop 11.04 with Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit under the KVM. Everything is working like a charm, except Microsoft Office 2010. When started, it just pop-up the introduction window, after that it just quits. Next time I try to execute it a dialog appears, explaining that application (I tried word and excel) terminated unexpected in previous turn, asking me if I want to run it in safe mode. Doesn't matter if I click yes or no, application is terminated after this initial dialog. I'm using the latest client and server, avaliable for download from your servers at the moment.

I'd like to know if ther's any known issue with MS OFFICE 2010 and winflector. If I run office directly (connecting to windows 7 with RDP and execute program there), it works without any problem.


Autor: Bozena (staff)
Data: 2011-10-19 15:40:03

We have to check this deeper and we will contact you via email. I am sorry for the long time without answer.

Autor: Bozena (staff)
Data: 2011-10-26 12:40:20


We have to check this deeper and we will contact you via email. I am sorry for the long time without answer.

Finally checked: this is the same problem as described in the thread 'Help Getting Access Program to work ' ( It requires a client patch. We decided to make available a patched client for download, so please download the 'Client and server package' if needed. Thank you very much for reporting this.

Autor: John
Data: 2011-11-08 22:53:29

Actually, the problem remains. Maybe some more details helps:

I just installed Winflector server on Windows 7 ultimate 32 bit running inside KVM VPS.

Client is Linux, executed from host, where KVM is installed, running Ubuntu Desktop 11.04 64 bit.

Both, client and server were downloaded and installed an hour ago.

I tested few applications:

- Microsoft Office 2010: Now no splash screen is shown. Actually nothing happens at all at first attempt. Every new attempt to start MS Office 2010 programs (namely Word and Excel) shows the same "safe mode" dialog as described above.

- Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 (Current Trial from Works OK, when "Save As" dialog is shown, the rest of program interface is hidden, but reappears after dialog is closed

- Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Current Trial from It runs, but select tool doesn't work. (If you try to select a part of an image, mouse cursor doesn't change its shape and no "dotted frame" is shown)

Autor: Bozena (staff)
Data: 2011-11-10 16:49:26

You are right, MS Office 2010 still does not work on Linux. We have forgotten about updating the Linux client, so it started to work on Windows only. Please try with the currently available Client and server package.

We will check the other programs (Adobe Dreamweaver and Photoshop) and let you know. Thank you very much for your tests. 


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