Serwer terminali Winflector - alternatywa dla aplikacji Zdalny Pulpit, Citrix XenApp

Forum > Questions, suggestions and feature requests > Guidelines for sizing PCs for use with Winflector

Autor: BobBob
Data: 2016-03-17 20:54:49

Are there any guidelines for sizing/configuring PCs for use with winflector?



Autor: Mirek (staff)
Data: 2016-03-23 13:24:13


There are no any guidelines for sizing PC for use with Winflector. We are not able to predict what applications will be used by our custormers. For example on the same machine you can run 100 Notepads or 2-3 AutoCAD-like systems. The only way is to estimate the needs of your application by yourself using trial version of Winflector.




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