Serwer terminali Winflector - alternatywa dla aplikacji Zdalny Pulpit, Citrix XenApp

Forum > Questions, suggestions and feature requests > Test client for Raspberry Pi (

Autor: Mradr
Data: 2016-04-28 13:52:05


Hello and good day,


So far I have to say this software is awesome, but I have a few questions if we could get some information. When can we expect an update to the Raspberry Pi package to the newest 3.9? We just recently got a few new Raspberry PI 3 device in and notice that you guys also have a test build for it. We did try it against the current 3.9 server install that we have setup for testing. The problem is it doesn't seem to be working. Now, this could be a number of things and we understand this. I have a feeling the problem is with the build version, but we did get an error saying it might not work with the the newest version of the Raspberry Pi.


With that said, are you guys still have plans to keep this up? We would love to test this software for it. If it works like we hope, it could be a key reselling product for POS system for the business we work for.  


Autor: rl (staff, linux)
Data: 2016-04-28 14:58:51


We have had a client version for Raspberry PI ready for some time but we have published it only recently in our Download section. Please download and enjoy. We will start supporting Raspberry PI on a regular basis as soon as there are enough users interested in it. That means that your feedback is valuable for us and may encourage us to start this support.

You have mentioned Raspberry PI 3, my question is: what operating system do you use? As far as I know RPI 3 has a 64-bit ARMv8 CPU but there is not yet a dedicated operating system for it. If you use a 32-bit operating system then our Winflector Client for Raspberry PI will also run. However, if you have a 64-bit operating system then running Winflector Client will be more difficult. Please provide more details about your client device if you encounter any problem. We will appreciate your feedback.

Autor: Mradr
Data: 2016-05-21 20:52:58

Sorry about getting back with you late here.


TestServer = Windows 10 Pro 64bit

Apps = MS office 2010


1) Bug report - looks like after I open and close a program a few times that whole device just crashes and restarts. Apps vary, but I use MS office programs. No set order - just randomly open them.



Autor: rl (staff, linux)
Data: 2016-05-23 16:19:06

Just to make sure I understand you correctly: is it the client device (Raspberry PI) or the server device (Windows 10) which reboots?

Whatever happens, it sounds like an operating system error rather than our own. No application running at regular user level should be able to restart the computer. Are you running the Winflector client as a regular non-root and non-administrative user? If you run as root then please try as a regular user, if it is really our bug then you should see our application crash rather than whole system crash.

I would not be surprised to see some system bugs. Raspberry PI is pretty new hardware, especially PI 3 which has been released only 3 months ago. Also, as I mentioned above, there is no dedicated operating system for Raspberry PI 3 although probably it is able to run 32-bit systems. Is your Raspbian system 64-bit? Type:

uname -a

at the terminal emulator if you are not sure.

Make sure your power supply is sufficient (2.5 A for PI3, 3 A recommended) and the device does not get overheat, these are common reasons of reboot.

Please also try the web client on the same client device. You can also try a different client device, different operating system on the same device, different computer (regular PC Linux or Windows).


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