Serwer terminali Winflector - alternatywa dla aplikacji Zdalny Pulpit, Citrix XenApp

Forum > Questions, suggestions and feature requests > Mapping Drives or VPN like file sharing

Autor: Mradr
Data: 2016-04-28 14:15:19

Good day,


I was wondering if Winflector 3.9 supported a way to share or create map drivers? Also is there a way to set it up so each user has their own map drive(s) for their connect?

Autor: Mirek (staff)
Data: 2016-05-23 13:26:51

Folder sharing is supported only for launching applications installed on network drives. So there is not possible to share different drives for each user. For now folder sharing works only for Winflector authentication. I hope the next version will support also Windows/Domain users. If you want to see client disks in running applications, uncheck 'Disable filesystem mapping' in Winflector preferences.


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