Serwer terminali Winflector - alternatywa dla aplikacji Zdalny Pulpit, Citrix XenApp

Forum > Questions, suggestions and feature requests > what are the *.enc files under server\applogs

Autor: John
Data: 2017-05-24 15:54:30

are the .enc files (such as trmadmin.enc ) encrypted? if so, is there a way to decrypt them in order to view their contents?  i'm studying the generated log files to see if suspicious activities (such as outsiders trying to get in) are getting logged.


i'm evaluating winflector using the free version on a windows 10 home edition machine.


thanks for any help or tips!

Autor: rafal (staff)
Data: 2017-05-25 10:26:19

The .enc files contain logs of some operations on users, like:

  • login to the Winflector serer
  • adding/deleting users
  • pasword changing

File trmadmin.enc is encrypted. It is possible to decrypt them using command like:

tdecode.exe /B=trmadmin.enc /T=trmadmin.txt 

File trmlogin.enc contain inter alia user suspicious activities.

Autor: John
Data: 2017-05-25 13:20:22

thanks! i'll take a look!

Autor: John
Data: 2017-05-29 08:38:28

i get a trmlogin.txt file but it's 0 bytes / empty even though there were 2 users logged in , there were user activities, and trmlogin.enc is 2KB in length

c:Winflector>cd serverapplogs

c:Winflectorserverapplogs>..tdecode.exe /B=trmlogin.enc /T=trmlogin.txt

Terminal Admin Log Files Decoder ver. (C) OTC SA 2001-2004

File 'trmlogin.enc' loaded into memory.



Autor: Bozena (staff)
Data: 2017-05-29 10:17:48

trmlogin.enc is not encrypted. We will change its name to tmrlogin.log in the next Winflector release.


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