Serwer terminali Winflector - alternatywa dla aplikacji Zdalny Pulpit, Citrix XenApp

Forum > Questions, suggestions and feature requests > does winflector printer support custom paper size?

Autor: John
Data: 2017-06-24 05:06:43


we are using winflector server in a windows 10 pro machine. we also have epson LX-310 dot matrix print driver in the server machine.

we notice that when we choose to manage printer properties, the screen we get for epson LX-310 has support for defining custom paper size dimensions, but winflector printer driver apparently doesnt?

we want to be able to print to custom paper size dimensions of 8.5" W x 5.5" H. 

with those paper size dimensions, winflector printer seems to truncate the last two lines or so of our expected print output.

when we don't use custom paper size dimensions, the print result is not truncated and the print area is actually within paper size dimensions of 8.5" W x 5.5" H, but we lose use of the bottom half of the page because the page eject occurs at normal letter-size page boundaries.

(our code uses windows printing, not dos printing)

any suggestions? thanks for any help!


Autor: Jacek (staff)
Data: 2017-06-27 18:32:19

Hi John,

Note "Winflector printer" is a virtual driver used to support all remotely mapped printers. Thus you cannot directly configure its parameters from the system level.

If you have Epson Printer driver installed on the server machine, then you don't need to use printers mapping and, instead, when printing from application, select native Epson printer driver and proceed just like if you were printing from app tha is run on the server console.

When using Winflector and remote printer mapping you don't need the printer driver on the server. Printer driver should be installed on the client machine where Winflector client is executed. If you have "Epson driver" installed on the client, then it will be visible from application executed on the server as "Epson driver@WFC". If you select this @WFC driver from print dialog and press "Properies", then you can configure some properties including paper size.  The best idea is to configure the required paper size on the client as default printer paper size. Then client default DEVMODE will be automatically sent to application on its startup and used for default printing parameters.



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