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Forum > Questions, suggestions and feature requests > can Copy/paste text from outside browser?

Autor: mhdrdin
Data: 2017-08-10 08:42:44

hi Support,

can we copy/paste any text from outside the browser?  currently cannot.  for example info from plain text to application in browser.




Autor: Bozena (staff)
Data: 2017-08-11 09:21:45

Copy/paste between HTML5 client and external applications does not work.

Autor: mhdrdin
Data: 2017-09-20 07:26:18

is there any workaround? or only have to use windows client

Autor: bobcollege
Data: 2018-01-10 00:06:31

This issue also seems to affect the OSX test build client. Any update on possible fix?

Autor: rl (staff, linux)
Data: 2018-01-11 15:05:40


This issue also seems to affect the OSX test build client. Any update on possible fix?

Thank you for notifying us. Indeed, this does not work and will be fixed, unfortunately not by the nearest release.

Regarding the HTML5 client, the clipboard support may be more tricky and will require more time. At the moment, I can't even guarantee that this feature can be implemented at all.


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