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Forum > Questions, suggestions and feature requests > Web Client - Shared files?

Autor: ChrisM
Data: 2018-03-06 16:11:29


Is there currently any way to share files between users of the web client? If not, is there any plans for a shared folder users could upload/download files to/from via the web interface?


Autor: Mirek (staff)
Data: 2018-03-07 09:35:30


Unfortunately, there is no such a possibility.

There are some plans to make possible uploading/downloading individual files via web interface, but not in the nearest future.


Autor: revosoft
Data: 2021-03-04 13:46:28

Is it a long time to see this feature?

Autor: Mirek (staff)
Data: 2021-03-05 10:11:28

I am not able to tell you anything about the dates. These are still just plans. When we start the project and estimate the time needed to complete, I will let you know.

Autor: revosoft
Data: 2021-03-05 17:06:27

Thanks for your answer.

Every day we have more clients with Mac OS, IOS and Android that use the browser, and we believe that it would be an important feature for Winflector.


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