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Forum > Questions, suggestions and feature requests > Warn user against closing browser window

Autor: HireSoft
Data: 2020-01-28 10:35:34

Hi I have a couple of questions regarding the webserver/HTML5 client.


1. Is there a mechanism that can be employed that warns the user if they attempt to close the browser window when running an app on the server with the HTML5 client?  Closing the browser window terminates the app (which at least prevents orpahaned apps on the server) but could be undesirable, particularly with multiuser database apps.

2. If a user logs in multiple times from the same machine and starts another instance of the app they are already running, this new instance runs in the existing browser window and the previous instance is orphaned. By setting the user to only allow a single login this can br prevented but there does not appear to be a way to allow more than one instance of the same app on a client machine?

Many thanks

Autor: Mirek (staff)
Data: 2020-01-31 10:22:49


1. There is not such a mechanism implemented.

2. If the user runs another application from another window of the same web browser, the application window is redirected to the previous browser window (if it exists) and the current window is closed. Move aplication window and probably you will see the previous one below. But we are out of control what the application will do on the server. Some applications turn off if another instance is launched. If you use another web browser type, it will be treated on the server as a connection from another workstation and the application will remain in this window (but it takes additional license in such a case).

Autor: HireSoft
Data: 2020-02-05 10:40:26

Ok Many thanks for the reply.

I've implemnted a simple AutoHotKey script to intercept a click of the upper right hand corner close button of a browser window to solve item 1.


All the best


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