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Forum > Questions, suggestions and feature requests > HTML5 Mode (Browser mode) and TApixxx-functions() and Gtexxx-functions()

Autor: Dirk
Data: 2021-03-26 14:11:18

Hello everyone,

I've been experimenting with Winflector for several days now and I notice big differences when I run my application in terminal mode versus browser mode.

When I run the application in browser mode, many TApixxx functions are not available or give no result. It is also impossible to use the Gte extension principle.

I have the following questions:

- Which TApixxx functions are not suitable in browser mode?

- Could the manual not mention this?

- Why are Gte extensions not available? Am I doing something wrong? Do I have to adjust my Chrome installation?

- Is it not possible to install a Chrome extension so that the Gte principle becomes possible (in the future)?

Thanks in advance for feedback,

Kind regards, Dirk

Autor: Mirek (staff)
Data: 2021-03-29 09:42:49


Unfortunately, the web client is not a fully functional client. All the features mentioned above are only available in the native Windows client, some of them are available in the native Linux/Mac client.

For security reasons, web browsers don't have access to execute the code on the client or directly write/read files

Best regards,


Autor: Dirk
Data: 2021-04-07 18:42:00

Hello Mirek,

Do you have intention to make more functions available, for example, getting the name of the client computer etc. What is on the todo-list concerning HTML5 support?

Kind regards, Dirk

Autor: Mirek (staff)
Data: 2021-04-08 14:44:16


For now we plan to add a possibility of transferring files using browser mechanisms. We do not have plans to add TApi to Winflector web client.



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