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Forum > Questions, suggestions and feature requests > IPv6 Support

Autor: JHudler
Data: 2023-09-27 20:56:27

Some ISP and Cloud providers are pushing to the use of IPv6 protocol.

IPv4 certainly will be around for long time, but it is starting to have a price of using it in some locations, due to its scarcity.

Any plans to add IPv6 support in future versions?PS: I've noticed there is another thread in the technical support forum, so I'm posting here to formalize the request:

Autor: Mirek (staff)
Data: 2023-09-28 10:29:46


Yes, we are going to add support for IPv6. All new features introduced to Winflector use structures that allow communicating via IPv6. But we have still a lot of work to do with core functionality adjustment. There is always something more urgent to do, so it moves very slowly. But yes, we are moving towards adding IPv6 communication.


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