Serwer terminali Winflector - alternatywa dla aplikacji Zdalny Pulpit, Citrix XenApp

Forum > Questions, suggestions and feature requests > Provide support (and document) for HTML5 Winflector Server to easily work behind a proxy

Autor: JHudler
Data: 2023-11-20 17:46:30

Currently, working with the Winflector HTML5 Server behind a proxy has some gotchas. A (functioning) workaround is described in this thread:

The main issue is that the application list brought by the javascript API brings the original (internal) port and address, and not the public facing ones (that are handled by the proxy).

Some options to solve this:

* Provide a way to specify the public IP and port for the server (similar to what's available in farm configuration - but that doesn't seem to apply here);

* Add a flag (or turn as default) to use the public facing address/ports (that is, the same used in the browser, and not the inner request).

One workaround by now would be to customize the web portal to make these replacements, but it is somewhat cumbersome because their source code (HTML / CSS / JS) is apparently not available, so we could easily tweak on what is already done.


Why use a proxy?

* Easier to integrate with SSL certificate renewal tools (e.g.: IIS + LetsEncrypt)

* Make available two (or more) sites in one endpoint: we have a web app and the desktop app (that runs on winflector). Each client has their own address. Centralizing everything in the proxy we can enable each one as sub-resources:

* Implement a WAF (Web Application Firewall) on top of it all

Autor: Mirek (staff)
Data: 2023-11-27 13:50:59

It seems to be a good idea and we will look at it closely.

I am not sure, but it looks like proposed solution with a flag would not work, as the server does not know the public IP/DNS and port. It only knows values received from the proxy server, which can be quite different than the public ones. But the first proposal could work so we are going to test it in our network.

Please let me know which proxy do you use in your network. NGINX as described here ( or another one?


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