Serwer terminali Winflector - alternatywa dla aplikacji Zdalny Pulpit, Citrix XenApp

Forum > Questions, suggestions and feature requests > When I use Run in browser dont execute all process

Autor: onoboaits
Data: 2023-12-09 15:15:26


I have a win32 app thats interchange actions with windows and with java app, when I use the option "Run" or "Run in Browser":

1.- Create a file in 3 different directories (This dónt'execute then the others steps don't execute)

2.- Execute a java command line.

3.- Recibe data from a api server and save in database and file.

4.- Send an email

5.- Update data in database SQL Server.


The question is, I need to setup some parameter to make the files in directories?? Thats require some permission.

When I connect to RPD this works fine.




Autor: Rafal (staff)
Data: 2023-12-11 13:43:58

When I use Run in browser dont execute all process


Yes, You are right. The HTML client doesn't support console applications, so some processes can't be started.

Whene appliaction try to start java probably  they try to launch cmd console but with no success.


Please sent us  (email) server logs: c:\Winflector\server\applogs

We try to recognize the problem.


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