Serwer terminali Winflector - alternatywa dla aplikacji Zdalny Pulpit, Citrix XenApp

Forum > Questions, suggestions and feature requests > Request a Winflector client for ArcaOS (OS/2)

Autor: John
Data: 2024-01-16 18:25:47

ArcaOS, a modern 32-bit OS, is the successor to IBM's OS/2 and EComStation's OS/2. It is produced and sold by Arca Noae, LLC, in the USA, and they are located at:

In addition to the huge pool of existing OS/2 32-bit applications, many developers are using GCC to port Linux apps to OS/2. While I can use the web client to deliver 64-bit apps to ArcaOS via Winflector, it relies on an older Firefox release that seems resistant to modernizing. Thus, there is a real need for a dedicated Winflector client for ArcaOS.

As Winflector has 32-bit Linux clients, may I request that you port that 32-bit Linux client to ArcaOS?

There are plenty of developers on who can describe the dev environment you'd need, using GCC and other tools to aid in the porting effort. I'd guess that you'd also need at least one ArcaOS (commercial) license, from Arca Noae.

To aid you in this porting effort, I would be willing to purchase that ArcaOS license for your development. A possibility might be that you contact Arca Noae, ask for the license and indicate that JT Agnello will actually pay for it, and then Arca Noae contacts me and gets the payment, and finally they produce the ArcaOS ISO for Winflector's use (each ISO is licensed to the end-user or company).

I hope you will consider this porting effort! Arca Noae can probably also reveal sales data to you, so you can estimate seat potential and such. As everyone needs to get at 64-bit apps from within this 32-bit OS, I think the potential is huge!

Please advise if you can add this effort to your development schedule! And, thanks so much for the incredibly useful Winflector product line!

Autor: John
Data: 2024-12-05 18:20:15

Please note the additional resources to hopefully help the Winflector developers on this request fpr a 32-bit native OS/2 winflector client ...

1. ArcaNoae "developer info":

2. There is an Australian developer, Paul Smedley, who is both a very experienced developer, and who routinely ports many linux apps, compilers, etc., to OS/2; he has ported GCC to the OS/2 environment. As Winflector has a 32-bit linux client, perhaps Winflector can make use of his skills and specific OS/2 knowledge to get the Winflector OS/2 native client achieved. This should further drive Winflector sales, especially if you work with ArcaNoae as a US reseller; they develop and sell the latest version of OS/2, arcaos 5.1.0, to both individuals and to corporations. Paul's website and info is:

If you look at's forums, you'll see the dozens or more of useful linux tools, programs, and compilers that Paul has ported to OS/2.

I hope these resources above help Winflector in making the decision to port the Linux Winflector client to OS/2!

Thanks so much for such a wonderful Winflector product!

Note: my original post still stands ... I'll buy the initial ArcaOS license for Winflector's use in getting the OS/2 client developed. Anything to help get this needed tool into the hands of 1000's of OS/2 users ...



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